The SNIPERAI Trading Course is identical to the Crossbow Trading Course except for one major upgrade. This course is equipped with Analysis Queries that you can ask an AI Chatbot. The questions have already been tested with 4 major AI platforms to ensure the answer will always be the same. The answers provided by the AI Chatbot will give a deeper analysis of Economic Events, Supply Chain metrics, and intrinsic Market Value. 


The Cheetah Trading Community is committed to always offering 3 main features with any trading advice or curriculum we offer. We will teach you to always protect your money, control your trade, and guarantee your results.

Protect Your Money
At All Times
Control Your Trade
At All Times
Guarantee Your Trades
At All Times


Every component of advice and instruction in this curriculum comes from a Billionaire investor. This is to make sure that what you are learning and using has been verified to work, with the potential of taking your performance to the highest level. 

Warren Buffet

Billionaire GOAT Investor

Ray Dalio

Billionaire GOAT Trader

Paul Tudor Jones

Billionaire Investor

Joel Greenblatt

Billionaire Investor

Howard Marks

Billionaire Investor


The SNIPERAI Trading Course is specifically designed to guide the student organically from being a novice trader to an advanced trader. This training program is accomplished through a simplified approach of using carefully constructed tasks that are executed in a step-by-step format in the form of word acronyms. These acronym processes are called COMPASSES since they assist you in navigating your way through the learning, execution, and development stages.



This course offers over 30 processes, allowing you to select the pre-structured tasks you want to use.


Choose a set of processes and build a unique trading style that lets you trade with comfort and confidence.



The set of processes you select are designed for you to learn, remember, and recall the tasks more easily.



As you perform each process and move on to the next one, you are developing your unique tradecraft organically.


cheetah beacon

The B.E.A.C.O.N. is an initial process you will use to identifying when the Universe and stock market reciprocates your positive energy. The stock markets is generous and constantly sends out signals to notify where profitable opportunities exist. This course will show you how to recognize when the Universe and markets are on the same frequency, resulting in effortless trades. The B.E.A.C.O.N. process will help you navigate your connection to the Universe and the Universe’s connection to the stock market.


The C.R.O.S.S.B.O.W. is a custom process to execute your trade flawlessly and effortlessly. Follow this step-by-step procedure to guarantee that your trade are protecting your capital at all times, that you are staying completely in control of your trade, and that you are confident of what the final outcome for the trade will be. There are other processes you can use to execute but your C.R.O.S.S.B.O.W. will be your main targeting weapon.


You need a scope for your Crossbow for accuracy. So we provide you several S.C.O.P.E. processes as you follow through your trading routine. There are 5 stages to your routine and each stage has its own scope process. Completing each stage will add to the protect, control, and accuracy  of your trade.


Prepare For The Money


Plan For The Money


Find The Money


Make The Money


Keep The Money


Managing your capital, profits, and investments is a necessity with your trading. You will use the C.A.C.H.E. process to save and allocate your money and profits. This course comes with a Pro Forma spreadsheet that will help you create a profit schedule that works with your daily, weekly, and monthly profit goals to reach your yearly profit target. Your Capital Cache will start off as your initial startup capital but will grow into an entire diversified portfolio of investments as you increase in your knowledge, experience, and wealth.


There are 4 elements needed to stay 100% in control of your trading. The SNIPERAI Course gives strategies for each element to make sure you are maintaining your control throughout your trading process and routine. By using the 4 Elements of Control you will remain in control, allowing you to stay on P.A.C.E. with your profit goals and your overall trading development.

Focusing on your trade PSYCHOLOGY increases focus and intent, for you to maintain Self Control on every trade.

You can protect your trading ASSETS, initial capital and profits, by focusing primarily on Risk Control.

Your Circle Of COMPETENCE comes from Market Control, intricately knowing the market you’re trading.

Safely enter and exit your trades with Trade Control, resulting in the EXECUTION of an effortless trade.

Trading Prowess

You will commit to embracing 4 strengths that will elevate your tradecraft above 99% of traders around the world. These 4 abilities are like superpowers that will help you defend harder, perform stronger, perceive better, see father, and think smarter.

Cheetah - Protection icon
0 %
You will adopt a new outlook to your trading to protect your money at all times.
Cheetah - Power icon
0 %

You will learn to control every aspect of your trade, giving you power over market institutions.

Cheetah - Precision icon
0 %

You will find 90% accuracy in predictions and 80% accuracy in your trade execution.

Cheetah - Proficiency icon
0 %

You will use a customized series of high-level proficient trading processes.


“I’m always thinking about losing money as opposed to making money. Don’t focus on making money, focus on protecting what you have.”

Paul Tudor Jones

Billionaire Hedge Fund CEO

Lowest Risk Markets

Only trade the markets with the lowest risk, primarily the Index Futures.

Break Even Strategies

Use a set of techniques that will allow you to break even on every trade.

Early Market Entry

Identify early entry, the safest trade, when the market or cycle first begins.


"Purpose is a more powerful motivator than money... a reason to continue producing excellence in your work."

Joel Greenblatt

Billionaire Hedge Fund CEO


Mastery Mindset

Replace your money mindset with a mastery mindset and watch your wins increase by eliminating greed.


Growth Mindset

Replace your fixed mindset with a growth mindset and notice your skills will increase faster and easier.


Positive Mindset

Replace your negative mindset with a positive mindset and view your progress expand effortlessly.


Abundance Mindset

Replace your deficient mindset with an abundance mindset and observe the markets reward everyone around you.


"An accurate estimate of intrinsic value is the essential foundation for steady, unemotional and potentially profitable investing.”

Howard Marks

Billionaire Asset Manager CEO

Causal Sequence, better known as Domino Effect, is a way for you to guarantee your trades. Causal Sequence exists in almost everything in the stock market. Your goal is to find the inevitable conclusion within a sequence of steps, processes, or events. The conclusion will allows end with supply and demand or market value. Finding the sequence and conclusion will allow you to guarantee your trades. 

Prime Correlation

The relationship between Crude Oil and the Dollar is the foundation of your analysis. Finding Causal Sequence within the Oil Supply Chain or the Dollar Value Chain gives you universal insight into everything that happens in the economy as well as in the global markets.

Economic Events

All economic metrics, reports, and events are connected. One event is the cause of another event and another is the effect. Causal Sequence is inevitable, and finding the outcome is simple as long as you know the stages and influence of each metrics development.

Supply Chain

Every product has a Supply Chain which moves in a repetitive sequence in the production phase. This production sequence is Causal Sequence and knowing it gives strong predictive powers for future supply & demand, revenue, and market value.


Corporations have to compete to retain some level of advantage in a market or industry. This competitive environment is Causal Sequence since the same sequence of steps have to be taken to prevent competitors from taking away more market share or revenue.


The curriculum within the Cheetah Investor courseware is structured in progressive stages of education, analysis, and development.

Cheetah - - Prime Correlation

Prime Correlation

This secret analytic is the strongest leading indicator in the global markets that is used to find supply & demand.

Beginner 30%
Cheetah - - Economic Events

Economic Indicators

Apply economic metrics to the supply chain or the Market Leader that controls it to see how it impacts supply & demand.

Novice 50%
Cheetah - - Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Every product and commodity has a supply chain where production can be used to determines supply & demand.

Intermediate 65%
Cheetah - - Market Leaders

Market Leaders

Every Market Leader have a supply chain that utilizes and controls smaller supply chains in their industry. This can translate what an industry will do and how a competing corporation will respond.

Advanced 90%
Cheetah - - Geopolitics


All Market Leaders are international corporations. As they are forced to use the global supply chain and trade agreements, these factors can predict what their supply chain will do.

Expert 100%


We have been training students for over 2 years now. Every morning from 7:30-9:30 students can attend a Live classroom where we go over all the strategies and techniques from our courses. We have trained well over a 300 students so far. Here’s what some of them had to say.

I wanted to thank you for this opportunity... so much information and well underpriced. I just completed lessons 6 and so far I'm loving it. I'm truly satisfied with the information that I'm receiving. Once again, thanks very much.

Jason Lewis
Trading Student

Aaron has provided a framework to professionalize my approach to trading in the stock market. He brings perspective, strategy, and methods to take control of as many factors that you can when dealing with the many variables of the markets.

Quintus Jones
Trading Student

This is the best way to learn day trading by allowing yourself to become empowered to do your own research by following the Cheetah Trading Road Map system. I've also applied this system and strategy and am profiting more than I have in the past.

Roi Swirczynski
Trading Student

I'm absolutely amazed at the progress I've made in such a short period of time. Aaron is thorough and meticulous with his teaching approach. This is what drew me to sign up for his various courses and to continue my education with him.

Julie Maldonado
Trading Student


All education, coaching, and mentoring that Cheetah Investors offers comes with a money back guarantee. We will always provide the following:

Exclusive information found nowhere else

Exclusive education not previously known

Exclusive mentoring that benefits the student

Order Your Trading Course


SniperAI Trading Course

Original Price: $2000


All Student Courses

Courses education ranges from beginner, novice, intermediate, and advanced curricula.

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  1. Choose the course you are interested in buying.
  2. Click the WhatsApp Link at the bottom of the page.
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  4. Ask any question about the courses before you order.
  5. In the correspondence we will give you the final price to pay.
  6. Use the form to order if you don’t currently have WhatsApp or Google Chat available. 
  7. A phone number is required so I can add you to the Whatsapp Student Room.
  8. Verify payment thru Cashapp, Venmo, or Zelle. 
  9. Invoicing is available through Paypal with a 5% fee
  10. Notify us that payment was sent. 

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