Analysis Paralysis

The more I trade and interact with other traders (both old and new), the more convinced I become that the markets can best be approached not as a problem to be solved but as a game of understanding group psychology.  Since all of my formal training (chemical engineer, MBA, yada, yada, yada…) is in problem-solving,…

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Trader Self-Evaluation

I believe the most significant work that anyone can do to increase market returns is self- work. Really understanding yourself and how you think can give you an edge that others in the market don’t have. As part of my training, I give a long questionnaire to each trader to do an evaluation of themselves….

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Block Trade: Definition, How It Works, and Example

What Is a Block Trade? A block trade is a large, privately negotiated securities transaction. Block trades are arranged away from public markets to lessen the effect on the security’s price. They are usually carried out by hedge funds and institutional investors via investment banks and other intermediaries, though high-net-worth accredited investors may also be eligible to participate.1 The New York…

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