Investing, Mentoring, Trading, Trading Analysis, Trading Strategies, Trading Systems
Reg Price $13 | In The New Market Wizards, successful traders relate the financial strategies that have rocketed them to success. Asking questions that readers with an interest or involvement in the financial markets would love to pose to the financial superstars, Jack D. Schwager encourages these financial wizards to...
Investing, Mentoring, Trading, Trading Analysis, Trading Strategies, Trading Systems
Reg Price $26 | How do the world's most successful traders amass tens, hundreds of millions of dollars a year? Are they masters of an occult knowledge, lucky winners in a random market lottery, natural-born virtuosi—Mozarts of the markets? In search of an answer, bestselling author Jack D. Schwager interviewed...
Mentoring, Personal Growth, Self Control, Trading, Trading Psychology
Reg Price $27 | Every trader is an entrepreneur. And just as a new business must capitalize upon the strengths of its founders, a career in the markets crucially hinges upon the assets, personal and monetary, of the trader. As an active trader and a coach of traders in hedge...
Self Control, Trading, Trading Psychology
Reg Price $33 | Successful traders know that to become a consistent winner you have to know and believe that trading is over 90% psychological, and the rest methodical. Winning traders have found that having an objective and fear-free mindset if key to getting and maintaining a rising equity curve....
Self Control, Trading, Trading Psychology
Reg Price $33 | Mark Douglas uncovers the underlying reasons for lack of consistency and helps traders overcome the ingrained mental habits that cost them money. He takes on the myths of the market and exposes them one by one teaching traders to look beyond random outcomes, to understand the...